
Posts Tagged ‘Santa’

God and Santa

Dear God,

I may as well just admit that I don’t get it. It’s all floating around in my head with out purpose and none of it really makes any sense to me. For example; I believe that I am talking to someone, and nothing seems more irrational than that. Something outside of my existence, outside of time, outside of physical anything, and yet in the very deepest places in me I believe that I am speaking to an actual being. Sometimes I don’t believe in you. When I’m livid or inexpressibly sad I don’t believe in you. I guess this means that my extreme emotions crowd out the deeper places in me. Because when I level out I still want to talk to you, I still want to believe that everything I experience is not trapped in my own existence, limited to the capacity of my own understanding. And there is a lot about my life that I don’t understand. Maybe my belief in you is childish. Like children who believe that Santa Clause cares weather they are naughty or nice. Is it childish of me to believe that you hold the understanding that I cannot comprehend? Surely the sufferings of the people in the world cannot be confined within their own soul. Those who would try end up killing themselves. Right?


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